Don’t let Insteon issues leave you in the dark!

Don’t let Insteon issues leave you in the dark!

A recent server outage with Insteon’s cloud management has left many people unable to manage their smarthome devices Those of you who have Insteon smart home equipment may have noticed that you are having some trouble managing your Insteon hub via your app. I thought I would shed a little bit of light on what’s…

VoIP Telephone vs traditional lines
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VoIP Telephone vs traditional lines

Many of us today give plenty of thought to cost-cutting. Today’s mentality of treating everything like a big business has taught everyone to watch the bottom line. As a result many traditional technologies like telephones are getting close attention. One option for reducing costs for a household or business is to look at VoIP systems…

What is all the fuss about Net Neutrality?
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What is all the fuss about Net Neutrality?

To anyone using the Internet at all over the last few months “Net Neutrality” likely sounds familiar. I know lots of people chalk that up to a “geek thing” and not something that they need to pay attention to. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The idea of Net Neutrality is to keep the…

Blackberry mobile device security
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Blackberry mobile device security

I have spoken to a number of mobile users lately who are very excited about getting a new Blackberry. Everyone has their preference in mobile devices. Lots of folks prefer whatever is closest to their last device, while still others love Blackberry’s physical keyboard. I was surprised at how many people indicated that they chose…

Ransomware. What do you need to know?
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Ransomware. What do you need to know?

Wow, the world is abuzz about ransomware infections…again! It seems like every day there is some new threat. In May, the world was taken by storm by a ransomware infection spreading through Europe. This infection was later dubbed WannaCry and was virulent enough to have ultimately affected more than 230,000 computers in 150 countries. Mere…

Ransomware infections still successful
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Ransomware infections still successful

Another ransomware outbreak is spreading throughout several businesses in Europe and the UK. Indicating clearly that the need for network security improvements continues to rise. The media is reporting this current outbreak as another “cyber-attack”. This serves to make it seem like a targeted assault on the affected companies and that isn’t entirely truthful. There…